INTERLIFT is able to assist employers to meet the WSHA 2006 requirement to ensure the operators of Lifting Machine (LM) are “Trained & Competent”.
The Workplace Safety & Health Act (WSHA 2006) came into effect on 1st March 2006.
Rationale for Attending the Training
- It shall be the duty of every employer to take, so far as is reasonably practicable, such measures as are necessary to ensure the safety and health of his employees at work. (3) For the purposes of subsection (1), the measures necessary to ensure the safety and health of persons at work include (e) ensuring that those persons at work have adequate instructions, information, training and supervision as is necessary for them to perform their work.
- WSH General Provisions (GP) Regulations 2006 states that R21 – Section 12 – A Lifting Machine shall be operated by a trained and competent operator
- Singapore Standard SS497: 2011 (Code of Practice for Design, Safe Use and Maintenance of Overhead Travelling Cranes) under section 5 (Responsibilities, subclause 5.2 (Employer): “The employer has the duty to ensure that, where applicable, every crane operator, rigger and signalman has been trained on their respective roles to ensure safe lifting operation.”
Prosecution for Violation of WSHA 2006
Max Fine Imposed for:
- Individual: S$200,000 or 2 Years Jail
- Company: S$500,000
In Jan-07, a company was convicted and fined $8,000 for failure to provide sufficient training to its crane operators.
More information of the WSH Act Prosecutions and Violations can be found on the following Link:
Course Outline and Objective of the “Operation & Safety” Training
Brief details of our training course includes:
- Lifting Equipment Classification
- Workplace Safety & Health Act (WSHA2006)
- Trained & Competent Operator’s Requirements
- Overhead Crane Safety Instructions and Pre-operational Checks
- Lifting and Lowering of Loads (3 Steps Procedures)
- Emergency Procedure
Our trainers are all fully ACTA / WTP qualified and with relevant safety experiences in the lifting operations (with Rigger / Signalman and Lifting Supervisor qualifications).
“Track record of 12000 operators trained since it’s inception in the year 2007”
- A period of 2.5 hours and maximum of eighteen (18) participants per session.
- The training is delivered in both classroom (theoretical) and site (practical) if applicable.
- Certificate of attendance and a certified operator sticker will be issued to individual trainees upon completion of the course.
Our Typical Training Customers are from the following Industries
- Engineering and Manufacturing Industries
- Offshore Oil & Gas Support Industries
- Hardware Stockist Industries
- Shipyards and Shipbuilding Industries
- Oil and Petrochemical Industries
- Construction Industries
- Pre-cast Industries
- Aerospace Industries
- Ministry of Defence